I decided to interview Sam because she's one of those mums who always seems to manage a thousand things at once and makes it look so, incredibly easy. This is exactly what i'm not and really wish I was so I thought it would be appropriate to ask a few questions in the hope of gaining some inspiration for my own life!
I first met Sam when our sons were about 4 months old and even back then when we were sleep deprived and things were so new, she looked a million bucks and somehow continued to have every aspect of her life in order. This is a woman who's true to herself, makes her own decisions and plans her life in accordance with her beliefs and intentions for the future. As simple as it may sound on paper, this isn't an easy thing to accomplish. The reason Sam is able to do it so well is because she genuinely believes in herself. Thank god because she's such an amazing girl with such huge capabilities and I doubt she would have been able to achieve what she has without the attitude that she's got.
When meeting Sam for the first time, I think what I loved most about her was that she had confidence. So. Much. Confidence. I don't know where she got it from because I certainly didn't have it (as a new, young mum) but I basically took her on as my "go to girl" from there on in.
When Sam isn't busy being a professional model, she's a Mum to her beautiful 18 month old son, Charlie and wife to her husband, Matt Cardone. Before Charlie came along, Sam already had a substantial portfolio of modeling work and had also starred in the first season of the television show, Australia's Next Top Model. Throughout her pregnancy and since Charlie's birth, Sam has barely stopped working. She's constantly performing the ultimate juggling act, between her home life, Mumma duties and modelling career but manages to pull it off with such style. She's got this way of balancing everything, stress free (or at least apparently) and in such an organized manner. How?!
That's exactly what I asked...
Can you tell me a little bit about your life and the two roles you constantly have to balance?
have been modelling since I was 17 and I also run a small business,
balancing this and motherhood has certainly been a challenge. Having a
fantastically supportive partner and family and an incredible nanny has
made the impossible possible.
How do you find the transition between the superficial side of modelling and the truth surrounded by being a mum?
can be strange driving home from a big show, coming down off the high
of being on the runway back to the reality and simplicity of motherhood.
I often walk in the door and forget that I am all done up. Yet it never
seems to bother Charlie. I think that it's because children see us for
who we really are not all the layers we create around us. I think its
the perfect balance, it tends to keep you very grounded.
What are the ups and downs to being both a model and a mum?
great thing about modelling is that it's flexible and pays really well.
The downside is that the work is unreliable and often at very short
notice. This means that unlike mums who work part or full time, I do get
a lot more time with Charlie at home. The downside is that I cannot
control when I work and for how long.
What is your ideal career and why do you see it as the pinnacle?
would love to do more TV Presenting in the future. It's always been a
passion of mine and I see it as a natural progression from modelling and
from my degree in Arts Journalism.
Do you think that your career as a model has a definite cutoff point? If so, how do you feel about that?
used to think that by the time I was 25 my modelling career would be
over. I also had to face the fact that when I chose to have a baby, I
may never have been able to model again. But what I've learnt is that the
older you get the more commercial the market gets and the less
competition you have. I was lucky enough to get back into good shape
(with a lot of hard work) relatively quickly after having Charlie, I
also continued modelling while I was pregnant. I used to work for high fashion
clients now I work a lot more on the advertising side of the industry
and do a lot more TV commercials. This also means not having to be as
slim as I used to be. This past year I have worked for Stockland Homes,
Subway, Michael Hill Jeweller, Powerball and Brisbane Marketing. I have
also shot for clothing designers and walked in runway shows, the only
difference is the brands are all for older buyers.
Can you tell me how you have managed to hold onto your job as a professional model and remain such an amazing and organized mum?
It's a bit of a farce! I have learned to prioritise and to ask for help.
We have a cleaner, a nanny and a gardener. ( I know! Pathetic right!)
These people mean that my time and my husband's time gets prioritised to
Charlie instead of all those things on the "to do list." Life can get
so busy and we can all get overwhelmed, so instead I choose to ignore
the pile of washing and enjoy the time I have with Charlie. I guess the
bottom line is the only way to juggle a tonne of balls at once is being
able to throw one to someone else now and then.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your career and your absence from Charlie?
I do work long days I do miss Charlie but having said that I try to
enjoy the time I have away from him. I know he is in good hands and
enjoying his day so I try to just do the same. It's funny how you always
enjoy the time with them so much more when you've had a day doing
something different. I know that being a full time, stay at home mum can
feel a little like groundhog day!
you at any point have to weigh up the pros and cons and make a decision
as to whether you will give up modelling or not? If so, what are
some of the important factors you would have to consider?
good thing about modelling is that I can choose when to turn down work
and when not too. But then again if I don't get any work I have no
control over that! I am hoping to have another baby soon and this will
definitely affect my work choices but I feel that our family has to come
first, if modelling doesn't fit into the picture then so be it.
Would you say you have found a fairly ideal balance between your home and work life?
think I am very lucky to have the opportunities that modelling presents
me with. Earning a great income, spending time doing something that I really
enjoy and working with new and exciting groups of people is a unique
situation that I am very grateful for. My agency (Vivien's) are also
very supportive and understand that my role as a mother comes first.
Off the top of your head, can you come up with any “methods of coping” you have come up with since becoming a mum?
Me time. It is vital to look after yourself and your relationship or you are no good to your child!
life seems to run so smoothly even though you are so busy! Can you
offer me some tips on how you’re able to organise yourself so well?
FOR HELP! No one is super woman. Also don't sweat the small stuff,
takeaways eaten together as a family are better than a home cooked meal
with a stressed out, exhausted mum!
Do you have any advice you would like to pass on to new mums struggling to find a balance between their work and home lives?
William Shakespeare wrote, "Expectation
is the root of all heartache". We Mum's place unrealistic expectations
on every aspect of our lives. Then we feel guilty when we cannot achieve
Are you happy with where you’re at and what you have achieved?
Yes. I feel very lucky to have the life that I live. I've worked hard for it, so I try to enjoy it and focus on the positives.
you could instill any moral codes or beliefs into Charlie that he would
keep with him for the rest of his life, what would they be?
I would encourage Charlie to be kind, honest and adventurous.
If you could leave Charlie a message of guidance, for the day he becomes a dad, what would it be?
Be yourself, be brave and Love, Love Love with all your heart… then you can't go wrong.
If you have any interest in contacting Samantha Cardone, you can email her at morleysamantha@gmail.com. Sam also has a blog named Bad Mumma, so check that out if you'd like to get to know her a little better.
what a great interview soph! such good advice for new mummas too...